Digitale Angebote

Licence-free digital reproductions

Licence-free digital reproductions are included in the catalogue so that the full-text versions of over 800 digitalised books and journals are meanwhile available to users and can be retrieved and read on any computer. This collection is continuously expanding. 


Link collection

One of the library’s additional services is a broad and extensive collection of links related to Danube Swabian themes. This includes links to scientific and cultural institutions, reference works and portals as well as societies, hometown associations and private websites. The collection is updated and supplemented on a continuous basis.

You are cordially invited to contribute to the collection’s further development by informing us of interesting links.


Secondary publications / Open access

Articles may be made available online one year after their publication in a scientific journal (provided that no other contractual arrangements have been agreed, what is known as “secondary publication” or “green open access”, § 38 of the Copyright Act).

IdGL publishes articles by its staff in a repository at the University of Tübingen and showcases them in a portal run by the University’s Faculty of Arts. Data storage is both professional and sustainable; metadata are made available through local and union catalogues and edited in such a way that they can be quickly retrieved by search engines.

In addition, the full-text versions of digitalised articles are included in the library catalogue.


Digitalisation projects (Von der Heide)

As a historico-cultural and literary source, the “Von der Heide” journal is very important for the eastern and south-eastern regions of Austria-Hungary up until the Treaty of Trianon and here in particular for the Banat, Transylvania and Bucovina.

No complete and usable version was available before its digitalisation. At the suggestion of the Stiftung Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus (a foundation in Düsseldorf) and the Stiftung Martin-Opitz-Bibliothek (a foundation in Herne), issues of the journal were brought together from collections at Leipzig University Library as well as the libraries of the Danube Swabian Centre in Salzburg and the Institute of Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies in Tübingen and digitalised. The data was processed and digitalised at the Martin Opitz Library. The digitalised journal is available on the website of the DiFMOE (Digitales Forum Mittel- und Osteuropa), the digital forum for Central and Eastern Europe.